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HOME > The goal of three ki training of Taoism

The goal of three ki training of Taoism

Taoists train their mind and body together. It is the basic principle of learning Taoism.

By resetting your condition of mind and body to the natural one,
people can realize the way of TAO, positive, joyful "go with the flow" life.

There will be no pressure, you can be as you are and make the most of what you have.
Your life will be brightened and positive, carried by ki (qi, chi) power overflow from inside of yourself.

People think they use heart and brain when they feel, think and make actions.
But in fact they use the whole body. Mind and body are firmly connected and affect each other.

A day with a sore stomach will never be a bright happy positive day.
Tired smarting eyes will slow down your work and plug your happy conversation with others.
You may forget the crisp feeling when you see fresh green leaves in spring with such eyes.
You would become indifferent from the natural blessing if you are not in good health.

Even if you are young and healthy but with heavy worried or irritating heart,
your life is not truly yours.

Your life can be happy and fruitful when you are healthy in both mind and body.
The true happy life is possible when you go with the nature flow and free from any ego.
And that is the way of TAO.

The goal of Taoism is to live in health, with joy, being free from any obsessiveness and conflicts,
with no resistance of the flow of universe.

Try to see your life with broader view, not with the limited view based on human being society.

You will know that our life is something given and we would know that we cannot waste
our life time by carrying ki stagnation inside.

Life will end eventually.

Let's take ki as your ally and think a great deal of ki . That will make the most of our life with joy.

For those who are exhausted with the harsh life, feeling as if you are not what you are.

For those who are tired with the illimitable request of more and faster.

For those who are hurting their heart, being impatient by comparing to the others,
questioning yourself that you are living a life that you really deserve.

For those who feel you are at a loss, not knowing your life direction.

Learning Taoism will bring you back to calm, warm and safe world.

We are hoping to help you refreshing your life and restore your own self.
Your life can be bright and full of joy.
You can be supple and cheerful.
Simply because that is how you are born to be.

Learn more about
three ki trainings
  1. 1. Senshin-jutsu
  2. 2. Doin-jutsu
  3. 3. Doko-jutsu

Nihon Dokan International

Cosmo-Sangubashi Building, 2F 4-1-5 Yoyogi,
Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0053 Japan
Further Information
TEL: 03(3370)7601 / FAX: 03(3370)7834

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Nihon Dokan International

Cosmo-Sangubashi Building,
2F 4-1-5 Yoyogi,Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0053 Japan

TEL: 03(3370)7601
FAX: 03(3370)7834